Richard Littlejohn

457 days ago

NFT Investments – you could not make this up

NFT Investments (NFT) likes to describe itself as an “incubator specialising in the market for non-fungible tokens (NFTs).” Some of us view it as a puffed up promote created and run by the chancers Jonathan Bixby and Mike Edwards. For we sceptics today an announcement. As Richard Littlejohn might say “You couldn’t make this up.”


2039 days ago

Bonnie Greer, myself and Rod Liddle – The closed mind of the metropolitan elitist left

I enjoyed two minor celeb twitter exchanges yesterday. First up was Paula Jones who was sexually harassed by the rapist Bill Clinton. When she flagged this up Hillary Clinton did not say that all women complaining of this should be taken seriously. Instead Clinton attack dog spokesman James Carville suggested that Jones was trailer park trash.  Jones’ testimony was far more powerful than that of Christine Blasey Ford but #Metoo has double standards when it comes to dealing with conservatives and liberals Stateside. Anyhow Jones is a star. And she is a real victim.   Next up was Bonnie Greer who being black and female may be seen by some as a more natural victim but as a playwright and media luvvie living in London is very much of the metropolitan elite.


2588 days ago

Fake Bent Banana News from the BBC's Newsnight on Brexit & farming

The BBC's flagship News programme Newsnight is staffed by the grossly overpaid liberal elite who care about the sort of issues we in the 99% don't give a stuff about and who show an open hostility to Brexit. Impartiality is not the name of the game here. Last night's main feature was on that silly woman who claimed to be a black rights campaigner before - after many years on the liberal civil rights gravy train - she was outed as being er...`100% white. 

All that time banging on about how being black had left her victimised and oppressed started to ring a bit hollow. At that point, she claimed that she "identified" as being black. Anyhow she has now got a big wonga book deal so maybe that will go some way to make up for all the hurt she was caused by slavery.

Then it was onto the thrice weekly Brexit bash with a report on farming. 
